5G Could Bring Back the Hotspot
Some of the most frequent complaints I get from readers are about mobile hotspots . Either their carriers don't have a good one (T-Mobile), or they won't make them affordable to use (AT&T). In any case, people want to take broadband on the road, and they want to know why they can't. And yes, there are reasons to use a dedicated hotspot rather than the hotspot mode on your phone. Hotspots support more devices, they typically have dedicated data plans, they have much longer battery life, and they have security features like on-device VPNs that can be harder to configure on smartphones. Add caption Ashish Sharma, CMO of Inseego—formerly Novatel Wireless, the maker of MiFis—understands the frustration. Ultimately, the MiFi business ran into trouble when carriers didn't offer the service plans consumers wanted. "The economics of 4G data just wasn't there. The market tried really hard. We all tried really hard, [but consumers] don't ...