Basic git commands for every developers should know
If you're one of those developers who still don't use any version control system, I don't know how you're still managing to get all your work done. so now here I am providing some git commands and you can use also increase your knowledge and work proficiency. 1) git config Notes: To set your user name and email in the main configuration file. How to use git commands: To check your name and email type in git config --global and git config --global . And to set your new email or name git config --global = “Bhuwan Paneru and git config --global = “ ” 2) git init Notes: To initialise a git repository for a new or existing project. How to use git commands: git init in the root of your project directory. 3) git clone Notes: To copy a git repository from a remote source, it also sets the remote to the original source so that you can...